As we finish up our 16th Annual Holiday Wreath Sale, everyone at Orcas Montessori School would like to extend a heartfelt “Thank You” to the community for your incredible support.

Every year, it’s a true pleasure to see these beautiful holiday decorations adorning houses, businesses and gateways throughout Orcas Island. We also shipped over 130 gift wreaths to destinations across the country.  We are pleased to report that we sold over 500 wreaths!

The Orcas Montessori Holiday Wreath Sale “decorates” our school with much needed financial support as well.  Though our tuition is less than six dollars per hour, 70% of the preschool children at the Montessori school attend school on scholarships.  We launched our “Appleseed Fund” this year to help our ten neediest families, by finding sponsors for them in our community.  These generous supporters each provide $1000 for a particular child’s scholarship, which the Montessori school board pledges to match  with another $1000 through fundraising. We already have four of these “Silent Sponsors”, and, with previous fundraisers, have matched these four donations.

Thanks to the great community response, our proceeds from the wreath sale will provide matching funds for our final six Appleseed Fund scholarships!

Now we are looking for six more Silent Sponsors to complete our program.  As a Silent Sponsor, for a donation of $1000 you may choose a child to support from a list of anonymous profiles.  You will receive two reports during the school year from the teachers regarding the child’s progress. You will also be invited to tour the school and have lunch with the children.  Becoming a Silent Sponsor is a direct way to support a child in need, allowing her to develop the self sufficiency and thinking skills that will serve her well throughout school and life.

We are grateful for all of the support our school has received this year.  Thank you for making our wreath sale a success! Happy Holidays to you and yours and best wishes for the New Year!

Cathy Faulkner
Orcas Montessori “Wreath Lady”

**If it wouldn’t cause you financial distress to take out a modestly-priced, voluntary subscription (HERE), you’d be doing a real service. If it would, then no worries, we’re happy to share with you.**