Dear Editor:

Now that the citizens’ effort to renew our Land Bank has concluded, we would like to express our deep appreciation and heartfelt thanks to the many volunteers as well as the entire San Juan Islands’ community who worked and supported the Land Bank and this renewal effort.

We hope that all who live in our community – and their guests and visitors, as well – will continue to use and enjoy the many special places that have been protected and are open for public access. A list of the Land Bank Preserves that are available for your use can be found at:

We would also like to remind everyone that the Land Bank’s work of protecting these islands goes on year round and that the meetings of the Land Bank Commission are open to the public. The Commission welcomes your ideas and appreciates your input. Amanda Azous, Lance Evans and Lisa Botiller Wolford represent Orcas on the Land Bank Commission.


Renew Our Land Bank Committee Co-Chairs
Pamela Gross
Harvey Himelfarb
Sally Reeve
Tom Reeve
Dave Zeretzke
Dave Zoeller