THANK YOU to all my supporters, family, and friends for voting in the primary and putting me through to the general election.  Your faith in me and my views has been overwhelming.  I would like to acknowledge my fellow Council candidates; especially Marc Forlenza, Rick Hughes and Greg Ayers.  They all ran great campaigns, and we became friends as well as candidates.

I have recently undergone an open heart surgery that involved replacing my aortic valve.  It has set me back a bit.  However, I plan to come back strong and resume work on the Council, representing all of my fellow islanders with a commitment for change. I look forward to getting back to work.  Our Council Members have been working well together and I believe we can accomplish a lot in the next few months.

Moving forward toward the general election, I will be reaching out to the voters on all the islands.   For now, however, my first priority is fulfilling my obligations as a Council Member.

Thank you to everyone for their good wishes on my recovery.

Bob  Jarman
San Juan County Council Member
Dist. 1