To Nick Kiniski & all other EMT & fire fighter personnel…

This is simply a note expressing my unwavering gratitude & deep appreciation for your efforts on my behalf… when you & assorted ‘crew’ members came to my aid recently, as a result of a 911 call. There was an amazing series of synchronistic events that led you to the door of my home. The eventual outcome was my being airlifted to St. Joseph’s Hospital’s emergency room in Bellingham. I felt the care & concern of all those folks involved that day. More importantly, you & your ‘crew’ were efficient & most professional. Between Anne P. & Diane S., as well as each of the EMT’s & fire fighters who were present to lend a hand, together your collective quick work ultimately saved my life. Four days of becoming sepsis with E Coli (to which I was completely unaware) made for a very close call.

Please convey my heart-felt appreciation to each & every one of Orcas Island’s capable fire fighters, EMTs & Paramedics who answered the call. It is thanks to you all that I am sitting at my desk today, basking in the later summer sun, writing this note of thanks.

P.S. Every single resident on this island would do well to sign up for Air Lift Northwest. A yearly membership is $79 per household. What a deal! Every member in your household is covered under that membership. (4 folks equals less than 20$ a year for each individual) Otherwise, the helicopter flight costs $12,000. Brochures can be found at the various doctor’s offices & the Medical Center, as well as at Eastsound’s fire hall. Information is also available on the web. PLEASE SIGN UP… the life you save may be your own.

I remain humbled & most grateful…

Robin DiGeorgio