Recently County Public Works started a project by the County Dock in West Sound to remove the unsightly and temporary concrete  barriers that were placed on the shoulder after the bank was stabilized following a storm several years ago.

Local citizens noticed that it appeared that parking wasn’t going to be restored and rapidly organized an email campaign to bring the issue of the  lack of parking to the County’s attention. The West Sound dock is one of the very few points for public access to the water on Orcas. With the local businesses,West Sound Community Club,  fish boats  selling their catch,  and kayakers and other water users,  parking is a real and growing issue there.

While we welcome the improvement in the scenic qualities, public access also requires public parking.

Public Works,and  in particular the Director Frank Mulcahy, listened, and to their credit halted work until a meeting can be arranged to discuss some possible solutions. We look forward to meeting with them.

Steve McKenna