I supported Greg Ayers in the County Council primary election; I’m now supporting Lisa Byers unequivocally and enthusiastically, and here’s why.

She knows how to engage in productive public discourse. Many issues that confront our elected officials are thorny, multi-faceted and fraught with controversy. Lisa knows how to listen, how to tease out the range of viewpoints and information, how to disagree without being disagreeable, and how see a path forward. We need this kind of consensus builder as our elected official.

She’s a problem solver who gets it, and gets it done. She’s most well known for her work with OPAL, a nonprofit organization that has successfully created mechanisms for affordable housing to enable regular citizens who contribute so much to our community to live and raise their families here. And building those houses created jobs. We need this kind of creative problem solver as our elected official.

She’s a creative thinker. As we’ve seen during many public events during this election season, Lisa does not shy away from challenging questions. She engages in discussions with a rational, quick, and nimble mind that reveals her capacity to develop innovative solutions to vexing issues. We need this kind of thinker as our elected official.

She’s not afraid of a challenge. When confronted with attacks, she has responded respectfully and thoughtfully. We need someone with this kind of grace and professionalism as our elected official.

Donna Riordan