Dear Editor,

First I want to congratulate Rick Hughes, Bob Jarman, Lovel Pratt and Lisa Byers for their strong showing, clearing the primary and going on to the general election. Second is that I want to thank my team, and the voters that put their trust in me with their vote. And to my contributors, I thank you for the assistance and confidence. I cannot thank you all enough.

Many have already asked what I will do next. First I will focus all my time and energy to getting Rick and Bob elected after their primary wins. I have not had the chance to speak with Bob personally to determine how I can help, but I hope to connect with him when he is up and about. Rick and I have spoken about me playing a role in his campaign, helping out as I can with strategy and marketing. As far as other activities I am considering how to help out with county activities related to the themes of my campaign. Of course I will also continue on as an Eastsound Sewer and Water Commissioner for the remaining 3 years of my term.

And my campaign manager, Kate—She has discovered a whole new realm of possibility through this experience and will likely find ways to remain involved with county activities as well. I cannot thank her enough for her supreme efforts on making the campaign run smoothly. I also thank my niece Alina who worked with Kate on the graphics, creating island friendly signs, ads, etc. Lastly, I thank my wife Pat, for her patience during the past 2 months where we saw each other rarely. She is currently in Hotbed Hotel at the Grange; I might suggest taking in a performance this weekend or the subsequent two weekends.

My heartfelt thanks again to all the voters and the Ayers2013 team!

Greg Ayers
Orcas Island