Dear Editor,

I am writing today to support Greg Ayers for San Juan County Council. It is my understanding that San Juan County is changing to a form of government where the Council Members are more “hands on” in the actual management of the County. While I do not live in the San Juan Islands, I support Greg, based on my experience working with him in two small businesses. In these companies I was the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) and he was CEO. Because of this I want to provide you with my experience with Greg as a manager, and as a person.

Greg recognizes that a leader of a company cannot manage through direct orders or coercion, but rather must guide his management team through collaboration, focusing on company strategy, vision and goals. In my experience, even though he was my “boss”, he treated me as a peer, working closely on everything from finance to developing company business strategy. He did not attempt to manage my employees, rather allowed me to manage my group. He recognizes that any other management techniques do not provide for an effective and efficient organization.

I feel strongly that Greg can translate his management style to government, as he has with the Eastsound Sewer and Water District. I have no doubt that he will provide strong and fair leadership to the operation of San Juan County as he has done with the small business where we worked together. Greg Ayers will be a great asset for the County, I urge you to give him your vote.

David Chandler
Bellevue, WA