On behalf of the graduating class of 2012 and their families we would like to say a Grand Thank You to Island Market for providing the Celebration of Success barbeque food, and the amazing bounty of goodies for the senior’s last party together at Grad Night 2012. When Jason Linnes from the Market heard that we were going to gather a variety of snacks and drinks for throughout the night and on into the early hours of the next morning, he generously offered to supply whatever we needed… from pizzas to cold cut and cheese platters, rolls, fruit, drinks, bagels and cream cheese, and oh, LOTS OF CHOCOLATE!

His feelings were strong, as were the generous donors of Orcas Fire and Rescue and the Sheriff’s Guild towards supplying the necessaries for a long night of safe fun for our graduates: Keep them safe and be happy on this last night they have together. They have come so far and they deserve this; our last community support before they launch into the next chapters of their young lives.

Thank you to the Orcas Island School district board, principals, teachers and staff for guiding our children through the past 12 years with your wisdom, tolerance, patience, incredible generosity… and good humor. Our children are better for it. We hope they will serve the community well as they head out into the world, and hopefully come back to serve here someday too.

And to our generous community scholarship donors, volunteers, mentors, service providers, officials and friends, we thank you for giving our children this most special of places to grow up in, to become who they will and to so completely give of your spirits and resources to make this possible.

With great gratitude,

The Parents of the Class of 2012
Orcas Island High School