By Rachel Meenach

Jordan Griffin sustained a spinal cord injury from a snowboarding accident on Orcas Island last December. He shattered vertebrae C6 in his neck and has been diagnosed with Incomplete Quadriplegia.

Rachel Meenach is Jordan’s mother.

Life is in full swing once again and I find soo little time to do anything!

Jordan is finally settled in school, taking classes from various schools! He attends the private christian school in the mornings and the public school in the afternoon. In between, he is taking online classes. It’s seems like a huge work load, but so far he is doing well. His afternoons consist of helping with Flag football, watching Josh’s football practice, homework, physical therapy and of course, friends.

His surgery still isn’t scheduled, but we are hoping that it will be soon. In the mean time, he relies on oral meds, PT,stretching and strengthening to help with his spasms throughout the day.

He is in such a great mood these days too. He absolutely loves being around his friends. I am soo impressed with all the wonderful support they give him, from helping him in class, to getting him into his wheelchair….and these are teenage boys I am talking about! Amazing!

We can’t wait to be back at Shriners to see what else he is able to achieve!

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