In San Juan County, the only age group predicted to increase over the next 15 years are those aged 75 and older. A startling 75% of Americans over 65 live with multiple chronic health conditions, including vision and hearing loss, diabetes and dementia.

Most elders eventually need both in-home health (medical) services and assistance with home care (selfcare and daily living activities). They access that through family, friends or volunteers. More technical health needs require trained, paid professionals.

Volunteer visiting companions were more available in the past, but today their numbers are inadequate to meet the social needs of a growing elder population. Home health agencies, home care agencies and independent providers have not been able to consistently meet the needs of all island elders, especially those with limited incomes and supports.

A combined, nonprofit home care and home health agency with a mission to serve all San Juan County islanders could offer a solution – especially if both philanthropic and public funds were applied to the challenge. The spectrum could span home care to hospice. We need a robust workforce of local residents, which translates into local jobs, career and economic development. Said nonprofit could sponsor caregiver training and certification for Medicaid (COPES) caregivers. Its mission also should produce a family living wage/career ladder for competent caregivers for us when our turn comes.

Northwest Life Passages Coalition & Palliative Care Institute presents “Homecare for the Elderly” May 24, 2021, 3:00 PM (Zoom)


Meeting ID: 92735117094 Passcode: 372667