I am often perplexed when people say they voted for a particular candidate because of their affiliation with a party, their gender, or because they would just like to try a change. When did we stop voting for the best qualified candidates?

Rick Hughes has worked tirelessly for our County for 8 years. He knows what the County Council role is, and what it isn’t. He has developed extensive relationships at all levels of government on the topics that are most important to our county.

I do not always agree with Rick’s decisions. Why would I expect to, I am one of 17K+ constituents? I have found when I reach out to Rick with a concern, he is willing make himself available and listen to my concerns. I find that he has done his research, has listened to the concerns of all viewpoints, and I usually learn more about the issue because of all the due diligence he has done

I want a representative that has a LONG history with life in the islands, one that is not afraid of change but who approaches it with caution and compassion for our beautiful, unique home. I value a representative that knows what it takes to run a successful essential business and provide good jobs to our community.

Our County charter specifically states the council is a nonpartisan position. Rick exemplifies that with his actions, listening to all points of views.

Rick’s opponent is likely a wonderful person who might even have some good ideas. However, I have not seen her engaged in activities relevant to the management of our county that would show us her ability to be effective in this role. My advice: get engaged and try again in four years.

Let’s not waste this opportunity to retain a qualified, committed and experienced leader at a time when it is what we need at this challenging time. Let’s celebrate that Rick is up for another four years in a role that can [be] all consuming when you live in a small community.

Bottom line – I trust Rick’s INTEGRITY, I value his EXPERIENCE, I appreciate his COMMITMENT to our county. Please join me in reelecting Rick Hughes for SJC Council.