— from James Libby —

A new multi year US Government study of over 10,000 teenagers shows outdoor lighting messes up their sleep and affects them mentally/physically causing disorders that can last throughout life. This is a separate finding that also took into consideration the well known cell phone light health issues.

Let’s not put up lights on Prune Alley or anywhere else until it becomes absolutely necessary. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. We can still plan for the future by putting the power where they would go in the future if accidents become a problem, but don’t add the lights yet. Because adding light will be bad for our kids and other studies show it affects adults, too.

Here is a quote from Sandee LaMotte in an article about the study: “(T)eens exposed to higher light levels were more likely to be diagnosed with bipolar disorder or a specific phobia, the study found. There was a racial and social-economic disparity as well, the study found. Levels of nighttime artificial light varied according to factors such as population density and socioeconomic status — teens from immigrant or racial or ethnic minority groups who lived in lower income families were more likely to live in areas with high levels of outdoor light at night.”

Here is the article https://www.cnn.com/2020/07/08/health/night-light-pollution-disrupt-sleep-wellness/index.html

This isn’t just about esthetics. It’s about not doing damage.