Hey Islander! 

I hope this little San Juan County love note finds you reveling in the verdant opulence of springtime.
We all moved here for the love of our islands. Gorgeous nature. Tight-knit community. Sweet rural vibes. With gratitude, I think most of us have a pretty nice life here. 
Okay. So now imagine OVER 100,000 people living here. Yikes! And this number would not be including visitors. That’s a bonkers thought, right? Would this still be a place you would want to live? Hmmm.
Did you know that currently, our county’s buildout population is 134,000 people? Is this what we’re plaaaaaaning for? Ahhhh!
Okay, so let’s be stewards of not only the land, but also the legislation. Let’s ensure we’re passing along a sustainable and well-cared for county for future generations.
For decades our local government has avoided conversations regarding growth potential. I gotta tell ya, I’m not a big fan of “the market” deciding our islands’ futures. We need these numbers validated. We need to see why over 100,000 people living in SJC is a viable, sustainable, and acceptable possibility. It just doesn’t pencil out for me. I don’t want San Juan County to be the next Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard. I want open space! I want truth in planning! I want the county to address the unwieldiness of growth. Don’t you?
I urge you to contact the Planning Commission (lyndag@sanjuanco.com ) in support of  Docket Request 21-0003. Interested in studying further? Get the details here: http://doebay.net/bigpicture.pdf 
More than anything, I encourage you to speak from your heart about the importance of safeguarding our county’s future and keeping growth in check.
Please take action and urge the county for a “Truth in Planning” document and to conduct a proper, verifiable, public buildout analysis. Please urge the county to act in alignment with our Vision Statement. Growth is a slippery slope and it’s nearly impossible to move backward once it’s too late. 
As we head into more social and jovial times, I hope you will incorporate this important topic into your conversations. Please take action and contact the planning commission and our County Council.
Thank you so much for reading this and taking ACTION. I wish you well.