— from Norm & Christy Zimlich —

We’ve lived here full-time for 12 years, and we definitely “get it” that Orcas isn’t Seattle. It isn’t even Bellingham or Anacortes or LaConner. Orcas is a unique environment in almost every way, and that calls for unique applications to everything people need to live here, including fire and emergency services.

Now, some vocal locals insist that anyone who moves to Orcas should recognize those differences and be prepared to suffer the consequences. Some even declare themselves ready to face a car wreck, fire, or heart attack out on the Rock without any coddling at public expense.

Most of us, however, are not quite that hardy. We believe that safety and emergency services are one of the critical things that make living on this island feasible for everyone: children, adults, and seniors alike. We elect the Commissioners who govern this public service, and OIFR provides ample opportunity for us to participate in its planning and budgeting process. That includes a long-range plan, which has been publicly debated and adjusted accordingly. The end result of a good process is now before us for a vote which will affect everyone’s future on Orcas.

Please join us in voting YES on the OIFR levy request.