Both major parties claim this upcoming presidential election is the most important in our history.  What kind of country and world do you desire for yourself and your loved ones, today and into the future?

Do you want a home where the quality of human relations reflects mutual respect, toleration, collaboration, compassion, creative problem-solving?

Do you care about the judgment of respected luminaries across the globe within government, intelligence, the military, international relations, science, human rights, education and religion?

Do you believe that character influences values and choices; that we can learn about others by the company they keep; that the means to an end matters even more than the ultimate result?

Do you care about the quality of environment you experience and bequeath to future generations; how leadership choices impact our water, soil, natural resources and all living creatures?
No political party or candidate can boast a perfect track record.  Rampant lies and disinformation challenge us to dig deeper for the truth.  If you answered “yes” to the questions above, there’s a clear candidate choice verified by legitimate fact-checking and trustworthy non-partisan resources.  Please examine the facts and your values and vote on or before November 3rd.  This election will significantly shape our destiny.  For the sake of our country and our planet, please do your part to ensure the outcome is positive.