— from Diane Martindale and Karen Woldtvedt for San Juan Islands Museum of Art —

The board of the San Juan Islands Museum of Art (SJIMA) would like to thank the Community Foundation of San Juan Islands for its support. Working with the many island nonprofits helps keep the Community Foundation current in community needs and projects. Because of their contribution, SJIMA can address issues of database coordination and upgrading and technology renovation. These needs do not sound exciting, but are core infrastructure ones we have wanted to address and the Community Foundation understands this.

The SJICF supports our island in scholarships, grant making, and nonprofit and donor support to help improve the health, wellness and quality of life of San Juan Island residents.

We are all blessed to live in a beautiful environment. At SJIMA we work to bring visual art, arts education, exhibitions and events and their many benefits to our residents, students, families, artists and visitors. SJIMA contributes to the local economy and vibrance of our community.

We are grateful to the Foundations’ Women’s Fund, Healthy Community Fund and private donor advised funds for moving SJIMA forward to better serve our island.

The SJICF likes to say,” It’s always the right time to be philanthropic!” And we at SJIMA gratefully agree.