— from Donna Laslo —

A rendering of what could be at Sea View Theatre.

A rendering of what could be at Sea View Theatre.

Dear Community Members and Friends,

I’m writing to let you know about ‘Save The Sea View Theatre’ campaign. It’s about the potential loss of the Sea View Theatre, a wonderful island community asset that’s filled with island history and fond memories. Like many small town theatres across America, communities like ours are rallying to help save our local movie theatres. We can do it too! If you have already donated, thank you.

We have less than 4 days until this on-line campaign closes.  We have raised $24,105 (as of this publication deadline) of our $60,00. goal to fund the purchase of a digital projector. We need your help.

The Challenge
Film studios will no longer distribute features and documentaries on 35mm film as of fall 2013. They require all theatres to convert to digital projectors, which additionally requires new screens, new sound systems, wiring, and removal of current celluloid projectors. Average cost: $60,000.

Like many small town theatres across America that are break-even ventures, this cost is prohibitive. Sea View theatre owner John Mount has worked for 53 years to provide a movie-going experience on Orcas Island. John’s half-century of dedication is a labor of love. Due to our small population, the theatre barely covers operating expenses through ticket sales and concessions.

John is committed to keeping this theatre alive for the community.  He owns the building and the property and in return for donations made he has made legal provisions to guarantee that the Sea View theatre stays a theatre. If we reach our funding goal of $60,000 to purchase the digital projector, John will file a legal covenant that binds the building’s use restricted primarily to that of a movie theatre and live performances for the next 15 years.

Our Goals
In response, we formed The Friends of The Sea View Theatre, a community action group to help not only keep the doors open but to create a vibrant vision for the future.

Some of our goals include:
•    New programming:
◦    Matinees for kids and adults:
◦    Foreign Films and Art House Films
◦    Host a Film Festival (the first is already slated for  October 10-13, 2014).
◦    Live Sporting Events like our 2014 Super Bowl event (215 attendees)
◦    TED Talks
◦    Live shows like our recent Jazz night with Tuck & Patti, The Magic Show & The Burlesque
•    Upgrades:
◦    New seats for a more comfortable experience
◦    A new Marquee and heritage color scheme for the exterior of the building
◦    A new sidewalk system with safer, easier entry access.

A movie theatre provides one of the few sources of entertainment that children, teenagers, families, and adults of all ages and interests can enjoy. They bring in large crowds that are necessary to support a vibrant commerce and establish the strong communities and cultures that once defined America’s small towns.

First Things First:
We need to keep the doors open by raising the one-time cost of $60,000 to convert to a digital projector.  We have raised approx.$23,805 and we are coming into the home stretch of our on-line campaign which ends Feb. 22, 2014.

VISIT OUR ONLINE CAMPAIGN and see what fun and wonderful incentives we are giving in return for your donation:

IF YOU’D RATHER HELP BY SENDING A CHECK BY MAIL:  (You will receive same incentives as online awards)

P.O. BOX 430
Eastsound, WA 98245

Let’s save the movie going experience for generations to come on Orcas Island.

Thank you for your Support!

The Executive Committee of the Friends of the Sea View Theatre:
Donna Laslo
Jared Lovejoy
John Mount
Ingrid McClinton
Ian Woolworth
Robert Hall