— from Eric Webb, Orcas Schools Superintendent —

I would like to extend my gratitude to the Orcas Island community for their overwhelming support of our Education Programs & Operations Levy. Orcas Island residents have proven time and time again that they are dedicated to our children and our schools!  While the final tally is pending, the returns indicate an approval by the voters of Orcas Island of 69.94% thus far.

The passage of the EP&O Levy for Orcas Island Public Schools will provide approximately 20% of our overall district budget.  This funding includes teacher salaries, music programs, athletics, staff training, classified staff salaries, EL programs, special education, and other programs that are vital to the academic success of our students. This new levy replaces the existing levy that was originally approved by voters in 2016.

The passage of this levy reminds us of our community’s passion for education and student learning. You, as a community, have consistently expressed a great desire to provide children with the best educational foundation for a successful and fulfilling life.  You have also sent a powerful message to Orcas Island School District teachers and staff that you are strong supporters of the important work that they do each day.

I am proud to be a part of a community of advocates and supporters of high quality education for Orcas Island children. Your faith and confidence in our school district are humbling.

Thank you for voting in favor of the levy and for always putting children first!