— from Karin Agosta —


A friend asked me yesterday about Ryan Palmateer’s strengths as a candidate for San Juan County Council District 1.  This is a great question in today’s confusing, demanding world. Here’s what I wrote her. 

First, his work in sustainable construction plus information technology — Northwest Eco-Building Guild on the  mainland, the long-established Williams Enterprises/Egg Lake Quarry and the San Juan Islands Conservation District here — gives him a strong background in sustainable building technology and energy conservation that is essential for San Juan County going forward.  At Northwest Eco-Building Guild Ryan helped to expand the use of an innovative code database that serves builders and code officials as precedent for cutting edge green designs in construction. At Williams Enterprises, information technology and regulatory compliance were among his responsibilities. At the Conservation District he took a newly established position as energy program manager. Our housing situation is dire and our budgets are threatened.  We need Ryan’s expertise. Other District 1 candidates are well intentioned in this regard; Ryan has the experience to really make it work. 

Second, Ryan has ongoing professional and volunteer relationships with a wide array of organizations and businesses throughout the county interested in sustainability.  His understanding of the stakeholders in this situation puts him in a strong position to advocate successfully for goals related to environmentally sound approaches to what comes next. 

Third, he has experience with for-profit businesses and non-profit community efforts that will be valuable in bringing disparate groups together — an essential organizational task for the in-coming County Council members. 

Finally, Ryan is a “do-er.”  He is energetic, enthusiastic, optimistic and young enough to see things through.  How does that sound?  I’m voting for Ryan.  Thanks for asking!

One more thing: local elections are at the heart of our democracy. Whatever you do, VOTE! Ballots are due August 4 – two weeks from today!