— from Tom Eversole —

Public Health functions include assessment, policy development, and assurance. Successful response to a pandemic requires an “All of Government” approach to successfully manage the outbreak.

When data show that too many children are dying from vaccine-preventable diseases (assessment), a school exclusion policy requiring proof of immunity serves to increase the number of immune students and achieve herd immunity.  However, government must assure that people are able to comply with the policy by providing access to free vaccines when necessary and continually monitoring for successful reduction of child fatalities.

Lacking a COVID vaccine, we currently are limited to non-medical measures like social distancing, which for many requires staying home and not going to work.  Absent from our federal public health response to COVID-19 is assurance that people can cease earning income, if necessary.  That could require some sort of income replacement for everyone who needs it. Legislative efforts to provide such assurance have been rejected or made ineffective by loopholes that divert vital public funds allocated for those at risk.  

Most folks willing to reopen business and resume social exposure in the face of an uncontrolled infectious disease have a very reasonable basis for their intense feelings. With no assurance of income, it is a matter of their survival.  Objectionable as it may be to some philosophical positions, a thoughtful approach providing temporary income support is a missing link, which could assure social distance measures and a less polarized, peaceful return to public health and safety.