— from Michell Marshall —

On Saturday night, June 23, Woman in the Woods Productions brought “Blackbird, Fly” to the main stage at Orcas Center. Those fortunate enough to have scored tickets (the show sold out almost as quickly as tickets went on sale in April), were treated to a spectacular performance by Marc Bamuthi Joseph and Daniel Bernard Roumain. For a taste of their work, check out this clip from their 2016 performance at Harlem’s Apollo Theater.

We are proud and honored to have been able to bring to our island community a provocative work of such relevance and caliber, and look forward to many other productions, varied and equally captivating, in the future.

For now, we extend a huge thank you for supporting productions that align with our mission to “promote a better understanding and appreciation of racial and cultural differences through various forms of artistic expression.” We love that we were able to share this spellbinding moment together with our island neighbors.

Finally, an invitation: If you have feedback or suggestions you’d like us to consider, please stop by the Office Cupboard and let us know.