— from Dick Bronson —

Went to the performing arts center last Sunday for the Willie Thomas memorial. While waiting for the doors to open in the auditorium I walked into the area where various art is displayed. Included among the displays were five pictures that, in my opinion, all were very offensive. Offensive from the standpoint that I consider the Center to be where the community joins together. We leave the divisiveness that is currently polluting our country outside and enjoy the camaraderie that our little island provides in this oasis.

Currently the whole world seems to be upside down; however, when my wife and I walk through those doors we find an almost church-like tranquility. The Center provides us a much needed peace zone. I strongly believe that art represents freedom of speech and must be protected but at the same time it should not further divide us. At least not in the venue of our wonderful Center. For those of you that have not seen these works let me describe them as best I can.

  1. Depicts the President Trump and President Kim Jong-un of North Korea as circular figures dressed in their countries flags, Trump holding a golf club in one hand and iPhone in the other and Jong-un holding a type of bomb in each hand. With the words “tweetle dumb” next to our president and “tweetle dumber” next to the North Korean.
  2. President Trump in the foreground and what appears to be two explosions in the background. A card is next to this stating “What shall I blow up today?”
  3. President Trump with a halo over his head, blue doves in the background and Trump’s hand over a globe depicting the earth. The card states “The Chosen One?”
  4. President Trump in a trash can with garbage strewn about, sign on trash can stating “Trash Only do Not Recycle” multiple flies, a MAGA cap among the trash, other negative political depictions, The White House in the background with the American Flag being flown, and a statement saying ”Save the Date, November 3, 2020, VOTE, and put out the Trash” 
  5. This one has too many things on it for me to describe other than I personally thought it had no place in out Center.

Again let me state that art is freedom of speech and must be protected but so does the qualities of life that makes this island so dear to us. There should be certain sacred areas where we find refuge from the rest of society’s turmoil. Hiking our islands trails, watching the sunset in the summer while sitting at the dock at West Beach Resort and eating their Lopez Island ice cream, and going to our Center to enjoy a concert or celebrate a friends death and not being bombarded with someone’s political views.

Consider the possibility of Senator Warren being chooses to represent the democrats in the upcoming presidential election. Then imagine a similar vile presentation of HER, displayed in our Center. Say one that showed Warren with a feather in her hair while beating a tom tom sitting in a trash can filled with garbage while files flocked around with the caption stating “THIS IS WHERE TRASH BELONGS—IN THE 2020 ELECTION”. Freedom of speech to be sure but certainly not to be hung from the wall in our Center, at least not by adults. 

Prior to writing this letter I contacted the Center and expressed my view.

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