— from Mary Riveland, President, Orcas Medical Foundation —

The Orcas Medical Foundation Board supports the commitment of Orcas Island Fire and Rescue to protect our lives, the lives of our families and friends, our property and our special environment. We support the passage of the OIFR Levy Measure on the April ballot.

The members of OIFR, our neighbors, work hard to give us peace of mind and a sense of safety and security both day and night. We believe that the proposed levy enables OIFR to continue to provide an excellent level of service and does so in a fiscally responsible manner. The cost per capita of OIFR’s budget is almost identical to that of Lopez Island and significantly less than that of San Juan Island. We particularly appreciate that this levy does not include any expansion of facilities or vehicles. We recognize that the cost of state-mandated training and the equipping of volunteers has quadrupled since our last levy began.

We value that OIFR’s cardiac resuscitation rate is one of the highest in the state.

Chief Kevin O’Brien has worked closely for over a year with the Commissioners to develop a sound budget and a long-term capital plan that will enable OIFR to maintain current levels of service. We trust that he is a person of integrity and that he and the department deserve our support and our “yes” vote.