— from Christopher Evans —

The County Council’s application to move into Phase 3 has been put on hold by Governor Inslee in his state wide pause on advancing phases at this time. For the moment, we have a reprieve. The County should now withdraw its application for advancing to Phase 3 and Stay in Phase 2! 

In my conversations and informal poling on Orcas Island, I have found a large number of people in favor of staying in phase 2 for the remainder of the summer, residents and businesses alike. The vast majority of people I’ve talked to are ready to dig in, take this year as an opportunity, support each other and keep each other safe. Moving from phase 2 into 3 lifts the non-essential travel ban into our community. We are all well aware of this ban already being violated in phase 2 by tourists. Imagine what phase 3 would look like? Staying in phase 2 is the only way to moderate the amount of off island visitors at this time.  There is no other mechanism to control this. The county council, The San Juan Island Visitors Bureau, and Airbnb establishments would like to have it otherwise for motives other than our community health. 

The ferry system is powerless to police or control the flow of visitors regardless of which phase the state or county is in.  They are running on a decreased service schedule with staffing shortages all summer. The sheriffs office is unwilling and understaffed to enforce travel or social distancing violations. An increase in visitors ultimately delivers its biggest risk and impact on front line healthcare and essential workers. Our only defense as a community is to vocally support and demand that San Juan County remain in phase 2 for the remainder of the summer. 

We have a deep safety net, Washington’s highest concentration of non-profits, an extremely well connected and wealthy community, and some of the most brilliant minds I’ve ever met. We can come up with solutions other than business as usual. (Maybe, I don’t know, redirect money from an ill conceived Eastsound street light project that nobody seems to want.) Forget about “moving forward” and let’s Think Forward!

‘Cause there is no amount of Will that is going to outwit this situation ultimately out of our control. (ahem….A Pandemic). There are many sensitive and wise  people in the islands. A lot of them learn in life when it is time to push, to pull, or to be still.  Right now is not a time to push.