— from San Olson for Friends of the San Juans —

Friends of the San Juans has been committed to protecting our environment since 1979. Throughout those forty years, Friends’ dedication to that mission has never wavered. This is why I support the Friends and serve on the board.

A major issue still facing the San Juans is the seven-fold increase in tanker traffic should the Trans-Mountain tar-sands pipeline expansion be approved. During my naval career, I served as a conning officer, navigator, and operations officer on a large amphibious assault ship. The rules of the road and safe navigation were my responsibilities. Those experiences, along with volunteering with the Islands Oil Spill Association, helped me more fully understand the dangers of transporting diluted bitumen through our trans-boundary waters.

Much has happened since Kinder Morgan proposed the pipeline expansion, including its recent purchase by the Canadian government. Friends provided comments to the Canadian National Energy Board, supported First Nations and Native American Tribes in their rightful opposition, and worked to educate county residents about the environmental and economic consequences of a bitumen spill.

Staff and members have worked with the Puget Sound Harbor Safety Committee, US Coast Guard, tribes, state and local governments developing strategies for the safer movement of fossil fuels and chemicals through Salish Sea waters.

This participation in local, regional and international issues of maritime safety are just some of the reasons I personally support and recommend the public help sustain the Friends work. Please join me in supporting the Friends important efforts to protect our environment.