— from Cindy Wolf —

We will win this battle for the soul of our country. This moment is why people started organizing in our communities two years ago. The Trump faction wants chaos and fear. What we can do is create order and systems to bypass, mitigate, challenge and ultimately rid ourselves of their rule.

Trump says he will no longer kidnap children at the border. What about the thousands already separated from their parents? There will be thousands more in detention with their parents because people will keep coming. Wouldn’t you rather walk a thousand miles with your kids to live in a warehouse for years than watch them be tortured and killed by gangsters? Shouldn’t we offer people a better choice?

The right and powerful thing to do is send money to NWIRP, KIND and the ACLU so they can represent families and keep lawsuits alive, fund and volunteer for organizations finding and reuniting separated children with families, and send money to LIRS and Catholic Charities to get blankets and counseling to the children. Demonstrate June 30th.

The midterm elections will likely be the most important in your lifetime. Make sure your people all over this country register to vote, check with their counties to verify they are on the rolls and vote for the Democrat in November. Even if they are registered Republicans, beg them this one time to vote the straight Democratic ticket to fight paralysis.

Republicans who might speak up fear losing primaries and their seats to extremists. They do not use their legislative check, so the appointment of judges who do not uphold human rights laws will continue to the point where the judicial check can no longer protect anyone or anything. We also
need the State governments. This last time, resistance to Trump’s authoritarianism is still possible by empowering governors and state and federal legislators who owe Trump nothing. The United States just pulled out of the UN Human Rights Council. What do you think happens to us next?
A Coalition of Sanity must win the November elections. We are ready and we will!