I am so excited to joyfully endorse Justin Paulsen for San Juan County Council seat #2, representing all the islands. Having only known Justin for the last two years, I am impressed by his community-focused, action oriented and kindhearted work to make San Juan County a more just and livable place for all.

I’m a big supporter of Justin’s, having worked closely with him on the WSDOT Ferry Schedule Task Force and observing his work and leadership on the Ferry Advisory Committee. I highly recommend my friend Justin and hope that you will get a chance to meet him and hear about his ideas and about the expansive community he is helping build throughout the islands. 

Justin has worked tirelessly to advocate for better ferry outcomes for San Juan County, ensuring that all islands are part of the effort to be heard and understood. In the last few months, Justin personally took time to travel to Lopez and meet with members of the schedule task force, hearing our perspectives and what is important to Lopez ferry riders. He used this conversation to open more active communication with WSDOT and build strategic alliances. He intimately understands the needs, dynamics and relationships that are working together for better ferry outcomes today and in the future.

Justin has a long history of caring for and working diligently for the island community. His dedication to Orcas speaks for itself in his work with OPAL Community Land Trust, coaching youth sports, as a Park and Recreation Commissioner, Ferry Advisory Chair, and as a father and husband. I deeply appreciate Justin’s willingness to understand the many complex and necessary questions facing San Juan County right now.

Please join me in voting for Justin Paulsen as San Juan County Council this upcoming November.

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