It’s impressive that the Orcas Eastsound Post Office is, in itself, a small “community” on our island with a life and culture of its own. There’s a comfortable feeling of welcome, projected so strongly by the women and men who work there that it carries over and affects the patrons who stop by to pick up their mail.      

Despite COVID, staff shortages, and problems at the national level, in my experience the postal workers at the Eastsound station are friendly, relaxed, smiling — as if you weren’t just one more patron in what must seem like an unending line of people waiting to be served.  Or that they haven’t worked extra days this week to ensure that mail and packages arrive when and where the sender intends.  Indeed, sometimes when it’s my turn and they say hello, their faces look like someone whose glad to see me again, and why don’t we go grab a quick cup of coffee and catch up on each other’s news.  

In fact, I don’t know anyone who works at the Eastsound Post Office outside of the post office!

These folks are also efficient, helpful, as flexible as their jobs permit, and always willing to help solve your problems, whether it’s stamps, delivery choices, supplies — or whatever.

What more could we ask from our fellows on Orcas whose work lives are focused on service to us, the public?

People at the Eastsound Post Office, thank you!  You are appreciated for who you are and what you do.

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