I would like to alert Islanders to the lack of donations of food and money to the Orcas Island Food Bank at this time. The Cupboards are bare!  With the economic outlook rather bleak, it is understandable that it can be difficult for those of limited means to donate to the Food Bank and yet I know that they do so to the best of their ability.

Since San Juan County and  Orcas Island have the greatest income disparity in the State of Washington between the wealthy and the working people, it follows that the the Food Bank’s shelves ought to be laden to overflowing with Mother Earth’s bounty if we truly consider ourselves a Community.

It is unfortunate that there is such a great economic divide at this time but the only way to bridge that divide is for those of our Orcas Family who have much, to give much!

“For everyone to whom much is given, of him shall much be required.” — Luke 12:48

Thank you to all who take this Truth to Heart in humility, thankfulness, and joy!  Many Blessing to our Orcas Island Family.

Spirit Eagle