— from Steve Henigson —

The largest and most powerful Socialist economy in the world today is China. It’s where the Corona Virus was born, in a live-food-animal market in the city of Wuhan.

Having noticed a new disease which was harming people locally, and, finally, killing them in large numbers, the Chinese officials in the affected area responded by pretending that the disease didn’t exist. They just hoped that the whole thing would go away, and they permitted scheduled public festivals to go on as if nothing were wrong. That allowed the new disease to spread uncontrolled.

It was only when the new disease spread to other areas of China, and then, carried by tourists, outside of China to other countries, that the Chinese government finally admitted that something was amiss. But by then it was too late, and people were dying from it in significant quantities.

China finally responded to the new and deadly disease by building, almost impossibly quickly, a huge hospital in the Wuhan area. There they isolated, and are caring for, the victims of this new disease, for which, so far, there is neither prevention nor cure.

As the very first victims of Corona Virus arrived in the U.S., our country’s medical community had already prepared for them. Among those preparations was the start of a search for both a preventative vaccine and an effective cure.

Note, then, the difference between the response of a Socialist government and economy, and the response of a Capitalist economy and a Democratic-Republican government. The Socialist government tried to hide the disease, until it was too late, because it conflicted with the government’s plans. Then it built an isolation hospital. But the Capitalist response was to look for a prevention and a cure, because both prevention and cure could be sold for a profit.

Think about that difference for a few minutes, and then ask yourself which response was the more useful, and more life-saving, one. Think also about what the Socialist government of Venezuela might be doing about the Corona Virus, and what Cuba might be doing about it as well.