Wednesday, February 12, 4–7 p.m., Madrona Room

— from Phyllis Henigson —

Dear friends,

As many of you know, Bob passed away on the 28th of January. He did so peacefully, in his sleep, with me and our sons Ted and Jeff at his side.

We are going to celebrate Bob’s life by having a potluck community memorial celebration at the Orcas Center on the 12th of February, from 4-7PM in the Madrona Room. We hope you’ll be able to join us.

Many people have asked if there’s anything they can do. Continuing Bob’s efforts to improve people’s lives here on Orcas and protect the environment—whether by volunteering or offering financial support or teaching children the importance of education and the environment—is what would make him happiest. One very special organization for him was the Orcas Island Community Foundation.

With love,