— from Glenna Hall —

As controversy swirls regarding the upcoming OPALCO Board election, I want to make my position regarding OPALCO’s role in broadband as clear as possible:

  • I strongly support OPALCO playing a significant role in bringing true broadband to OPALCO members and to the larger Islands community.
  • I strongly support the Co-op’s taking the time necessary to examine very carefully all aspects of that role from the standpoints of prudent fiscal policy and enhancing, not harming, island businesses.
  • I personally believe that the ultimate design will go one of two ways:  either OPALCO will not enter the full-fledged internet service provider business, or, if it does so, it will be as a separate entity dealing with the Co-op on the same basis as would any other member.

I love this community, and want it to move forward in the best possible way.

I ask that OPALCO members return me to the Board for another term.