— from Leif —

Dear Orcas, this last Blood Drive, Thursday, Mar. 16 again set records.

We had 87 donors register, including 13 first timers, and some as well who were unable to donate, but we really appreciate you for trying. The first time evaluations are chancy but it’s how we progress, thanks for your time and trouble.

We had a new questionnaire during registration, “What brought you here today?” with 12 options. For Orcas option #13 should be: “Because I always come,” which is why we nearly beat Friday Harbor on numbers [90], but always beat them on per capita donations. We are super.

Special recognition goes to our computer registrars, Lion Martin Arnold and Lion Jim Biddick, and new trainee Kiwanis Cele Westlake. And thanks to our recovery team with the goodies, Kiwanis [non-Flat] Velma the ubiquitous, and her henchmen Bill Hagen and Bob Foulk. Thanks also to my silent partner Paul Losleben.

Thanks to many many businesses, clinics, and offices that post notices in the days prior to the drive, and the High School Key Club representing to young Orcas folk, our future donors. Thanks to OIFR for their support, organizing the space, and the good karma that comes with it.

And thanks to the folks that shared their suggestions, comments, and complaints with me. We’re changing, please be patient.

Again, as a community we are super, supplying over 10 percent of the blood products needed on one day by people with medical emergencies, leukemia, cancer treatments, and surgery in the Pacific NW.

(Next drive, Jun. 8.​​)