— from Miriam Ziegler —

I am writing to strongly encourage my fellow Orcas Islanders to vote FOR the Phase III bond issue on the ballot for the February 14 election. We will be receiving the ballots in the mail in the next few days.

This $8 million bond proposal includes funding for many essential projects that had to be excluded from the previous bond issue in 2012: critical improvements to the high school heating and water systems; major improvements to the “Old Gym”; a number of flooring and interior upgrades in the elementary and high school buildings, some of which will result in significant energy savings; chip-sealing of School Road in front of the school; a new track and playing field; a much-needed new music/multipurpose classroom for the grades K-4 music classes and the grades 5-12 strings classes, outstanding programs that have outgrown the existing music room; and a number of additional smaller but vital projects. (Note that the current music room would then become available for other classes and programs.)

The excellent projects funded by the 2012 bond issue were constructed in keeping with the principles set forth by the “Way Forward” group, that any construction done for the school should be built to the highest standards, with a view to energy efficiency and minimal ongoing maintenance requirements. I participated last week in one of the campus tours offered by the school and was very impressed with the campus improvements funded by the previous bond issue and with the answers to my questions about the current bond proposal. I would encourage anyone with questions or concerns about the proposed Phase III projects to attend one of the remaining tours and ask questions (Saturday 1/28, 10 am-noon, or Monday 1/30, 3:30-5:30 pm).

The only argument that I have heard against the Phase III school bond issue is the objection of some to the inclusion of the new track and field in the projects to be funded. As I understand it, a generous $1 million gift will cover the actual construction of the new track, and the additional $1.36 million from the bond is needed for site preparation to level the large field behind the school and to deal with stormwater runoff and other site issues.

While I personally would have supported a larger bond issue, covering more of the remaining needs for the school campus, the School Board was understandably reluctant to put a larger bond before the voters. They sought input from the community in multiple ways about what projects to include, and found a great deal of community support for construction of the track before they decided to include it in the bond.

The whole $8 million bond issue will cost taxpayers $0.28 per $1000 in property valuation, which would mean an increase of $140 per year for the owner of a $500,000 property. The track and field component of the bond by itself would be less than $23 of that $140 annual tax. For that paltry sum, even for those who would have preferred that the track not be included in this bond issue, it makes no sense to vote against the bond proposal just to “send a message” to the School Board, thus depriving the school of the funding for all the other essential needs for our students.

The bond proposal requires a 60% majority to pass. The school campus projects in Phase III are critical for the education of our students, meeting urgent needs that cannot be postponed again. I hope you will join me in voting to approve the school bond proposal.