— from Bea vonTobel —

As the ballots go into the mail for your consideration and vote, it is imperative that you vote from an informed perspective. To that end, I encourage you to participate in the walk-through tours that OISD is offering. The tours will enable you to look at the present facility and contemplate the changes the bond will provide should it pass. It will also give you the opportunity to ask pertinent questions.

One question might be to ask what has been eliminated from the bond—that is, what is still left to be done. Another way to look at this is to ask how long it will be before another phase is put before the voters to take care of those items which were not included on this bond.

The inclusion of $1.3 million to supplement the generous donation of $1 million to redefine the only open space left on current OISD property means that the district will have developed the last bit of owned property.

Please acquaint yourself with the items not on the original list, and which still need funding.