— by Maggie Schuler —
Thanks to all who came [to the school-sponsored Community Forum on Sept. 21], shared their beliefs and therefore furthered MY education.
I came thinking I was adamantly opposed to building a track– mainly because I knew there are so many other, and to me, more important issues. But as I listened to all at our table, I learned some things that were extremely important that I didn’t know previously.
1. Almost ALL improvements cost a lot to maintain over the years– not just a track. (Of course, I knew maintenance costs-just not how much! Just painting costs blew my mind!)
2. Many kids would use the track and most importantly, kids who are not inclined to be “team players” as most of the other sports require, could be encouraged to work hard and push their potential more. Self esteem is HUGE at this formative age and often affects everything else a growing child does later in life.
3. Something needs to be done about the cramped music room situation. Photos to the public, perhaps. (Editor’s note: see orcasissues.com/entering-phase-iii-school-district-starts-community-discussions/)
3. That no matter if one is for a track or not, everyone there had the one most important thing in common and that is what is best for the kids and therefore our community.
4. I still, however, can’t stray away too far from the safety issue of the deplorable road condition. That still is and remains a serious safety issue.
Orcas is so very blessed with our teachers and staff who “live” with our kids everyday. Both teachers at our table gave profound reasons improved music space as well as a track is important to our kids. I very much trust what they had to say.
We all know presentation of the bond will have an enormous impact on how the community votes. I know some folks who won’t vote for the bond if the track is in it. If they heard what I did about the kids and saw the wonderful drawn plans AND knew how much the maintenance would be, I think they may change their minds. Somehow, more information needs to reach the public. Not everyone is able or wants to attend these type of meetings but they still in fact, vote!
An idea might be to tell the public that some of the other money left by the Henigsons may be set aside for maintenance of a track.
And more articles in Orcas Issues like the wonderful one here (thank you, Margie!) will certainly help! Maybe even some photos of how jammed the music room is with all the kids and instruments, or the hole in the floor, or the much needed bathroom, etc.
Photos often impress folks more than statistics.
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As always, whatever we choose to accomplish and support as a community is likely to cost money. No surprise there !! If we choose to be generous, the Orcas School can be as expansive and have as comprehensive a program as the most wealthy districts, like Bellevue. If that were the position of our neighbors, then the original levy of some $38 million would have passed. It did not, suggesting that the voters were wanting to order the priorities of planned investments in the facilities and programs for our school.
That is still the operative concept, priorities!! I am of the mind that the voting public needs more information. I have been told, for example, that the $1million gift for a track is sufficient to build it. That was not made clear at the recent forum.
A question was put to me as to my support for the District maintaining its investment in the current athletic fields. Of course the “potholes” should be filled, the grass seeded and watered. However, that approval would not extend to a considerable expense to relocating the ball fields to allow for construction of a new track facility.
The point is that the community really doesn’t have sufficient information to reflect and analyze the priorities confronting the District. The forum, though a useful exercise, really needs a comprehensive followup with better explanation of the choices. Is the old gym roof really rotting away from mold? Is it true that there may be no football program next year such that that field could be converted to a track facility? I surely would be pressed to cast a meaningful vote without more explanation as to what is needed.
Let’s keep talking !!!