— from Betty Corbett —

While my direct student involvement was several years ago, I strongly believe we need to support our children and our public school. I ask you to join me in a confident vote of YES for both the Orcas Island School District Bond and the Levy.

Last spring, I suffered a nasty fall walking across in the grassy area by the practice fields. There was a hole covered by grass the size of my foot and I went down, hard. Voting yes for the levy means you are voting to restore and rehabilitate our improperly installed sports fields and allows preparation for laying a fully funded, fully donated track and new sports fields atop it. Please note that we are not voting for a track, the track is already donated, as are the total costs for decades of maintenance.

Voting yes for the bond is a vote of yes for our community’s children because it funds critical health and safety issues like upgraded earthquake and fire protection in several buildings, providing heat to our high school students, ensuring everyone has clean drinking water, and mitigating potential rain flow damage to the buildings exteriors.

I believe both the bond and the levy are well planned and thought out, and the tax adjustment is well worth the vast increase in both services and safety our children and ultimately our entire community receive. I ask you to join me in voting yes for both the 2017 School Bond and the 2017 School Levy.  Let’s do this!