–from Rosie Kuhn —

[After an initial meeting of those who’ve explored their spiritual transformative experiences (STE)], we have set up an opportunity to meet for a potluck, thanks to Marj and Fred Franke who will be hosting this event in their home in Eastsound. If you can, please set aside Friday, February 6 for this gathering.

We’ll begin coming together at 5:30 p.m., [and after eating], then discuss what we would like to create as a community. Marj and Fred’s [live] in Eastsound. If you want to call them for directions, their number is 376-5421. Please feel free to invite people you know that may find value in being present at this gathering. Bring your own beverages of choice, as well as a dish to share.

Something to consider at some point: H.O.P.E – Holistic Opportunities for People Everywhere, have extended an invitation to us to be a Sister Group. H.O.P.E. resides in Lubbock TX, and is a 501 C3 Non-Profit Organization. We can discuss this possibilities and the value of such a connection at the potluck. For more information about H.O.P.E, go to: https://hope-nonprofit.org/ .

Support Group: Beginning Tuesday February 10th I’ll be facilitating a support group for experiencers.Time: 6:30-8pm. Location – is to be announced. If anyone has a location where we can meet please contact me – Rosie at 376-4323. Fee: $35 per session. The intention of this group is to empower experiencers to integrate their experiences into their everyday life. I’ll be using more of a coaching model, which encourages personal accountability for following through on agreements – only in service to what you say you want.

Please let me know if you have any other thoughts or suggestions that I/we can bring to the community. I believe that the richness of such gatherings will expand the value of each of our experiences 10-fold.

I look forward to seeing you on Friday, Feb. 6th. Please let me know if you are coming and if you’ll be bringing others.For further information, call 360-376-4323