— from Mel Shapiro —

Tuesday the 23rd of August is a morning I shall not forget. I awoke at 1:30 with a chest discomfort. I tried to ignore it… I took a couple Excedrin (I now know… the wrong recipe – it contains caffeine – not good for chest discomfort!) and tried to find a comfortable position and fall back to sleep. But over the next hour and a half, the discomfort only grew. Finally, I awoke Rebecca and told her that I thought I was having a heart attack. I had no pain in my neck or jaw, no pain radiating down either arm… just a very uncomfortable and continuous pain between my breastbone and my spine. 
The Monday before, upon rising, I recalled having a similar but less intense discomfort and a couple aspirins did the trick… I felt better almost immediately. But not this time.
Rebecca called 911 and within minutes our Orcas EMT crew were knocking at my door. Within what seemed like just minutes Patrick Shepler, Orcas Battalion Chief/Paramedic, had made a preliminary diagnosis and called for the helicopter. Patrick and crew, Heather Thomas, Seth Yberra, and Jane Gray, saved me from a life cut short or at the very least a life restricted! 
Upon arriving at St. Joseph’s the caring and talented people there took me in their warm hands and expertly did what was required – tests, angiogram and stint – and released me early Wednesday evening…. and today I feel great, as though nothing happened! Of course, I swallow a handful of pills – morning and night – but what a small price to pay. 
These people, our Orcas Island EMT, as first responders, make all the difference. Had it not been for all the right circumstances, beginning with EMT response and proper diagnosis, and teamwork without a hitch, I have no idea where I’d be today, healthwise or life-wise. 
Thank You Patrick, Heather, Seth, and Jane for being such caring, warm, accurate, and efficient people!
Home alive, cheerful and feeling good.