— from Joy Hughes —

It’s great to see that OPALCO is bringing community solar to the San Juan Islands! And it’s scary to see Asia’s demand for fossil fuels create pressure for exports through the Pacific Northwest, threatening both the environment of the Salish Sea and the world’s climate.

In 2009, I founded the Solar Gardens Institute, which provides training and tools for community solar projects everywhere. I’ve had the opportunity to help dozens of communities (including ours!) start solar projects, and I’ve spoken on the topic in cities across the United States.

Now, I’ve been invited to speak at the Low Carbon Earth Summit in Qingdao, China. I will be meeting with Chinese leaders of the climate protection movement in Beijing to discuss the possibility of community solar in China. The title of my presentation will be Powering Planet Earth — Community and Shared Solar Worldwide. In recent years, China has become the world leader in renewable energy. I figure that anything I can do to help strengthen that trend will help reduce China’s use of fossil fuels and reduce the demand for coal imports from the United States.

My goal is to raise $5000 for the trip. Many donors have been supportive, including one who donated air miles for my flight, but I still have $2132 to go. Donations are tax-deductible through the Solar Gardens Institute and our fiscal sponsor, Grand Aspirations.

Donate to the Solar Gardens Institute

So many thanks!