My name is Teagan Hudson. I am 14 years old. I am Bob Jarman’s granddaughter.

Many of you have probably met me as I have spent a lot of time on San Juan Island, that time including sitting in my grandpa’s booth at the fair in both this election and the last. While I’m sure a large majority have picked a favorite candidate already, I can offer you a perspective that has not yet been provided and I would greatly appreciate open and accepting minds when considering your vote.

My grandpa has always been very intentional about what he teaches us. (Us being his 8 grandkids and four kids.) There is no one else that I look up to that has been so clear about what he wants us to know as we get older. I remember a lot of really specific and random things he’s told me because Grandpa Bob’s opinion has always been important to me and things he tells me to remember stick. Donate blood when you can, even if you’re scared of the needle. Make double batches of cookies, we have taste buds and neighbors for a reason. Listen to stories because Grandpa’s going to tell long ones anyways, you might as well listen. Text your grandparents back because they take a lot of care to select the best emojis. But big lessons sit with me too. Be safe, but not scared because a life lived a little bit crazy is a life worth living. Be honest, be confident. Strong handshakes, strong voices, laugh loudly. Family should be your number one priority. And the islands should be cared for and protected.

Driving to the beach in his red MG, my grandpa tells me that when he came here 40 years ago, how different the fields looked. How much healthier the fields and the animals and the beaches were. Sitting in a restaurant he explains to me why there are signs on the road that read “save the EMT”, and goes on to elaborate on many island politics that I won’t pretend to completely understand the logistics of. Sitting at the table with aunts and uncles and cousins and siblings and parents and listening to Grandpa talk about Marijuana policies on the island. Wet Land policies on the island. Noxious weeds on the island. Always, policies on the island. Being 14, these are not always the topics I care about. But they are ALWAYS the issues grandpa Bob cares about.

I don’t know if I had ever seen my grandpa nervous before I watched him write a political speech. He was nervous because this is what he cares about, this is what matters. What matters to him is your voices and what you need and what the island needs. What matters to him is preserving the island in all of beauty for future generations, for my 7 cousins, for me. It may not be enticing to you that Grandpa Bob doesn’t swing to the right or the left, but that’s what the island needs. He is not swung by agendas; he is not swung by party opinions. His decisions, his votes, and his voice, are all in support of what will protect, care for and preserve the island.

When election day comes, vote for the candidate that will never advocate for personal interests, but for the entire beautiful San Juan Island. Vote for Bob.

Teagan Hudson