(Editor’s note: Since this letter was published, we learned from the owners that the clothing barn and donation box are the two portions of the farm stand that have been closed: owner Ian Harlow states: “We are just no longer accepting clothing donations at our thrift shack. An[d] yes our payment box continues to suffer the affects of bolt cutters and pry bars, but is getting stronger in the process.”  We could withdraw the following letter and the comments it elicited from publication, but feel it’s more telling that we share heartfelt appreciation and high ethical expectations with our community — expectations that apply to professional journalism as well as to community conversation. We value that expression in your letters, columns and comments. Thank you ALL for participating).

from Kira Bradshaw —

I am deeply saddened to hear about the burglaries and subsequent closing of the Black Dog Farm Stand on Enchanted Forest Road.

Like many others in our community, I loved going there. It is where I bought my first batch of fava beans and learned about purple potatoes (from Erica Harlow herself!) I want to thank Ian and Erica Harlow for all their hard work over the years in keeping that farm stand going and providing delicious produce as well as quirky, fun kitchen-y stuff in that little shed. Last year, they added a cute clothing barn next door and a donation box for clothes that was always full and usually had somebody diving into it looking for good free finds!

The Black Dog Farm Stand was run on the honor system, a dying system that has been alive on Orcas for a long time, a fact we are proud of. The thieves that stole from the Harlow’s took more than their money; they broke a bond of trust in our community. I am very sorry for the loss of a place that was special to me and many others.

Thank you again Ian and Erica for keeping the farm stand open as long as you could. It will be greatly missed.