— from Dimitri and Lorena Stankevich —

We are writing to express our support for the OISD school Bond and Levy that will be on the November 7 ballot.

We are grateful that the school board heard the community and separated the needs for the district into two issuances. That said, we are in support of BOTH initiatives.

The bond will provide funding for many health/safety needs throughout the district. By tackling all of these repairs at once, it will mitigate the need for another “phase” of construction. The levy, which is much shorter in duration, will address the well-worn fields at the school, as well as allow for preparation of a gifted track.

All of this will not only benefit our students, but the community at large who will benefit when using a full-restored campus. I hope you will join us in voting YES to the school bond and levy on November 7.