— from Kristen Wilson —


Marguerite Greening Photo

Two busloads of Orcas Island fifth through eighth grade music students returned from a regional music contest in Bellingham on February 7 with lots to be proud about. On the heels of Orcas High School’s outstanding performance at the regional contest in Bellingham, the younger students came home with their own collection of superior and excellent ratings. “Besides performing so well, our students received many comments on their exemplary behavior,” said Pamela Wright, Music Director for 5th to 8th grade string groups and chorus. “I couldn’t be prouder of our students,” said Darren Dix, Band Director.

More than fifty musicians from the 5th to 8th grades attended the Washington Music Educators Association regional contest at Kulshan Middle School on Saturday, February 7. The students not only brought their imagination and artistry to their playing but also to the names of their groups. Who wouldn’t be interested in hearing the self-titled Fantastical Four, The Green Cows, The Vocal Vikings, E String Cellos, and The Music Majestics? And who could resist the Super Strings, J.A.M. Rock Percussionists, “?????”, The “Um” . . . Strings, The Duets Who Don’t Show Up, Popcorns, The Cellos, Island Winds, Violina Songbirds, Musical Marshmellows, The Radioactive Pandas, and The Candy Crushers?

The schedule on contest day was jam-packed from the moment the kids arrived at 9:30 a.m. Nearly every time slot on the schedule for the day had an Orcas group performing – starting at 10:10 a.m. with the group 14.24% of a Walrus (Kayleigh Horton and Meg Waage on percussion) and going until the last performance at 3:50 p.m. The 10:20 slot alone had five different Orcas ensembles or soloists performing.

Both the 5th and 6th Grade Strings and Middle School Strings received the highest rating of 1 or “Superior” for their performances. “Lovely,” said the judge. “Very nice ensemble work.” The 5th and 6th grade choir received an “Excellent” rating on their performance. “Nice job,” said the judge. “Keep singing together!”

Along with the musical skills and bravery shown by all the ensemble performers, four courageous young musicians performed solos at the contest: Leah Jenson, Tim Jenson, Destiny Wright and Flora Lister.

“I look at all these fine young musicians in strings, band and chorus, and it says a lot about the health of our music program at Orcas,” said Wright. “The future looks bright.”