— from Learner Limbach —

Yesterday I traveled by bus from Bilbao to Mondragon, which ended up taking most of a day because it was Sunday and buses were running less frequently. Oh and I got a little bit lost, at one point… But I made it!

Today was Day 1 of a two-day tour I am participating in here. I’m learning a lot and taking lots of notes, plus they are going to send me all the slides from presentations later and I’m audio-recording. So I’m leaving no stone unturned while I’m here!

Here are a few fun facts:

Number of Co-ops: 98
Number of employee owners: 80,800 

Ratio of highest paid to lowest paid workers
Mondragon: 6 to 1
Comparable companies: 100 to 1

Workers are also owners and have an equal vote and equity stake with everyone else. The towns where Mondragon co-ops are located have the lowest unemployment and least inequality in the entire Basque region. So it’s not just the people who work at Mondragon who benefit, but everyone in the communities where the co-ops are located.

There is so much to share that will have to come in a later update because I have to get some sleep now. 

More updates on my facebook profile