Saturday, February 29, 3 – 5 p.m., Orcas Farm

— from Molly Donovan —

What are you thinking about the 2020 elections? Have you been wondering how, from our blue State of Washington, to make a national impact?? Here’s a unique strategy that builds grassroots leadership on a range of progressive issues in key swing states– and it’s something you can do right now.

You are invited to a house party at Orcas Farm from 3-5 pm on Leap Day, February 29. Directions to Orcas Farm are on their website (the map on Eventbrite is not linked correctly to the location). The party is co-hosted by Molly Donovan and George Orser at Orcas Farm, Learner Limbach, Mark Mayer, Marta Nielson, Wendy Thomas and Oliver Groenewald, David and Geri Turnoy, Georgette Wong, Orcas Women’s Coalition/ PACE

Movement Voter Project (MVP) raises money to support vetted grassroots organizations (as opposed to specific candidates) in swing states, i.e. states that swing back and forth politically AND have enough electoral votes to impact the national results! These are organizations that exist today and will exist after elections, making them a great short-term AND long-term investment. From immigrant rights groups in Arizona to student groups in Michigan to reinstating voting rights in Florida, MVP builds infrastructure in critical states with national implications. (MVP’s own operating expenses are covered thanks to another group of committed donors; every dollar they raise now goes to organizations on the ground.) MVP has a great website. Please explore. 

PLEASE RSVP at this link. If you are unable to attend and want to support Movement Voter Project please use this link.