Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.  

Welcome to League Action! If you are a returning participant, thank you for your actions, and more opportunities are below. If you are new to this Legislative Newsletter, here are some helpful tips to get you started.

Support the League by donating to our Advocacy or Education funds here

This coming Friday, February 22, is the cut-off date when bills not necessary to implement the budget have to be passed out of their policy committee. If that doesn’t happen, they are considered dead for this legislative session. Bills remain on the list for the next session in this biennium (2020) only.
Listed below are actions you can take while on the Olympia campus, as well as at your computer.  

This Week’s Alerts!

If you do nothing else, here are the most important actions you can take:

Democracy Lobby Day: Virtual Participation

It is not too late to register for Democracy Lobby Day on Thursday, February 21. But if you cannot be there in person, we invite you to be part of the action by emailing your legislators and telling them about your support for our Democracy reform agenda.

One of our top priority bills (HB 1379 / SB 5221) will increase campaign finance transparency by requiring that campaign communications list true donors behind the campaign and closing the loophole that allows donations to move from one PAC to another PAC as a way of hiding who was really providing the funding.

Please click here to send a message to your legislator in support of these companion bills.

Protect Our Tidelands from Pesticides

Join us in opposing HB 1611 / SB 5626, which would permit the use of lawn pesticides in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor tidelands to control naturally occuring organisms.

Click here to contact your legislators and urge them to protect our state tidelands and keep needed protections in place.

Pathway to Universal Health Care

SB 5822 was introduced by Senator Emily Randall and is co-sponsored by many health care champions. This bill would create a work group of a broad range of health care stakeholders to study and make recommendations to the legislature on a universal health care system that is sustainable and affordable for all Washington residents.

Click here to urge your Senator to support this important first step to establishing a universal health care system for Washinton State. 

Status and Actions Needed for Other Legislative Priorities

Please click on the areas of interest to you to see the status of bills that the Lobby Team is working on and what action is needed this week. The issue webpages include the Lobby Team contact information, League positions, and history of bills the League is tracking for this legislative session.


Elections, Campaign Finance, & Government Ethics*NEW UPDATES* Democracy Lobby Day this week–be part of it from your own home!

Election Methods: *NEW UPDATES* Promote the adoption and implementation of election methods that maximize representation and citizen participation.

Election Security: *NEW UPDATES* Promote security, accuracy, auditability, and transparency in elections.

Census & Redistricting: *NEW UPDATES* Ensure the redistricting process is accessible and transparent with timeframes that enable input and strengthen results and support an accurate and complete 2020 Census.


Economic & Social Justice*NEW UPDATES* Ensure equality of opportunity, prevent and reduce poverty and promote fair policies for all struggling to realize their human potential.

Criminal Justice: Eradicate racial bias from the criminal justice system to uphold principles of fairness and due process of law.

Healthcare, Behavioral Health, & Reproductive Rights: *NEW UPDATES* Ensure access for all residents to comprehensive, uniform and affordable physical and behavioral health care and reproductive services.

Housing & Homelessness*NEW UPDATES* Achieve policies and funding necessary to address the homelessness crisis and assure an adequate supply of affordable housing for middle-to-low income people.

Gun Safety*NEW UPDATES* Limit accessibility of firearms, including assault-style weapons and high capacity clips. Enact safe storage requirements for guns.

EDUCATION *NEW UPDATES* Ensure the state continues fully funding education. Support student health and safety legislation.


Climate Change*NEW UPDATES* Reduce greenhouse gas emissions, put a price on carbon, and enact measures to promote climate resiliency.

Energy: *NEW UPDATES* Protect the Washington Energy Independence Act, increase renewable power use and promote energy conservation in building and lifestyle practices.

Forests & Rivers: *NEW UPDATES* Protect our forests from destructive wildfires and logging practices. Protect our northwest public lands and rivers systems.

Shorelines, Wetlands, & Land Use:*NEW UPDATES* Protect our Shoreline Management, Growth Management & State Environmental Policy Acts from efforts to weaken them.

Transportation: *NEW UPDATES* Achieve a balanced transportation system that is integrated, adequate and effective, prioritizes maintenance and emphasizes emissions reduction and traffic reduction strategies such as public transportation.

Water: *NEW UPDATES* Continue improving the state and local governmental programs empowered to protect the quality and quantity of our water including municipal water, groundwater, and in-stream flows.

FAIR & ADEQUATE REVENUE Adopt fair revenue policies to adequately fund services and functions critical to the well-being of the people of our state.

Click here for a list of Lobby Team members and contact info.

Calendar and Events 

February 21 Democracy Lobby Day – Co-sponsored by LWVWA and Fix Democracy First. 

February 22 Committe Cut-Off Last day to read in committee reports (pass bills out of committee and read them into the record on the floor) in house of origin, except House fiscal committees and Senate Ways & Means and Transportation committees

Washington State Legislature Link – Agendas, Schedules and Calendars for 2019 Session 

Other Sources of Information

TVW,Washington’s public affairs network, provides gavel-to-gavel coverage of Washington State Legislature sessions and coverage of the Washington State Supreme Court and public affairs events. 

The Washington State Legislature website has links to helpful legislative information of all kinds. 

You are encouraged to invite others to take action by sharing the Legislative Newsletter subscription link, Action Alerts, and Calendar Events. You can also help support the League’s work by donating to the Advocacy or Education fund here.

Expanding the League’s impact helps us to Empower Voters and Defend Democracy as a community! 

To join the San Juan County League of Women Voters, go to https://www.lwv.org/local-leagues/lwv-san-juans