— from Congressman Rick Larsen’s Office —

Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) today released the following statement urging Congress to take action on legislation to prevent gun violence:

Thoughts and prayers can comfort, lend strength, and help heal – but they cannot prevent gun violence. Gun safety legislation can, specifically by:

  1. Re-instating a ban on military-style assault weapons and high-capacity magazines above 10 rounds;
  2. Lifting the ban on federally-funded research into the causes of gun violence, and;
  3. Strengthening background checks, including by extending the period of time investigators have to complete a delayed background check from three to 14 days.

These policies would not prevent every massacre, but they would give law enforcement more tools to prevent killings, provide lawmakers with a better understanding of firearm-related homicide and suicide, and limit the breadth and depth of damage would-be killers can inflict.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” cite=”” link=”” color=”#810912″ class=”” size=””]”Thoughts and prayers can comfort, lend strength, and help heal – but they cannot prevent gun violence. Gun safety legislation can.”[/perfectpullquote]

In every corner of the United States, including in my District, gun massacres are a fact of life: In 2016, a gunman killed five people at the Cascade Mall in Burlington. In 2014, a student opened fire at Marysville-Pilchuck High School, killing four. In 2008, six people were killed in a Skagit County shooting spree. And some of my constituents have been affected by the October 1st shooting in Las Vegas.

Congress has a responsibility to keep Americans safe from mass shootings.

That is why I am once again calling on Members on both sides of the aisle to take responsibility for what is within our control – the law. No single law can prevent the actions of a murderer, but there are steps Congress can take to save lives and make communities safer from gun violence.