From San Juan County Public Works Department

Yesterday [May 23] a large Deodar Cedar tree was removed from the Orcas Center’s signed driveway entrance as part of the ongoing improvements to Mt Baker Road. This tree was not previously identified for removal but during the course of construction it became apparent that the knoll upon which the tree sits needed to be excavated to accommodate adjacent roadway and storm drain improvements. When Public Works became aware of this matter in mid-April it was brought to the attention of the Orcas Center’s staff who in turn informed the Board of Trustees. With their approval the contractor was directed to proceed with the work.

In early May, as members of the community because aware of the pending tree removal, it was clear that they did not want this decision to be taken lightly and wanted assurance that all other alternatives were considered. Although both the Orcas Center and Public Works felt the matter had been fully vetted, we agreed that it was appropriate to postpone the work a week to give the community a chance to voice their concerns and ideas. This deferment concluded at the Orcas Center’s Board of Trustees regular meeting on Wednesday May 22 at which the decision to remove the tree was unchanged.

Both Public Works and Orcas Excavators are committed to the construction of this roadway improvement project. We are also equally committed in assuring the community that we appreciate everyone’s involvement and diligence. We look forward to seeing you at the next Public Works open house.